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Hey, Equippers! Mike Brewer here, and today we're diving deep into a subject that might challenge your current understanding and push the boundaries of your spiritual knowledge.

The Equipper: Understanding Soul Bonds in Deliverance

Take 7 minutes to read the following, and you will have an increase in your understanding.

Mike Brewer

Hey, Equippers! Mike Brewer here, and today we're diving deep into a subject that might challenge your current understanding and push the boundaries of your spiritual knowledge. We're talking about soul bonds and their implications in deliverance ministry. Buckle up, because some of what you're about to read might be new, and it certainly requires further dialogue, prayer, and study.

Why We Need to Talk About This

In deliverance ministry, we often encounter experiences that don't yet have a clear Biblical framework. This can be perplexing, especially when the Church is quick to dismiss anything outside its conventional understanding. Just as Peter had to wrestle with the vision of unclean animals and the call to minister to Gentiles, we must be open to what God reveals, even if it's uncomfortable.

An Example

I was leading a deliverance session with a person deeply involved in the occult. After dealing with many demons, we reached a standstill and found it difficult to proceed. The Holy Spirit then prompted me to go deeper, specifically addressing the soul bond with the coven leader to whom she had pledged her loyalty.

As soon as we began these specific renunciations, there was an extreme manifestation that seemed to be the coven leader himself. The presence was very violent, and our usual commands to bind it were ineffective. It felt as though we were dealing with a portion of the coven leader’s soul.

I understand what many of you might be thinking—it was just a demon. However, having dealt with thousands of demons, I can assure you this was very different. Once I was able to remove this part, whatever it was, we were able to proceed without issue.

For now, I'm not declaring exactly what it was, but after encountering this a few hundred times, I feel confident in handling it. These are the more complex deliverances that some are beginning to experience. We certainly must study and learn more about these unusual circumstances, and this newsletter is my choice to go public with these findings.

I will soon be releasing a higher-level course on the depths of soul bonds. Stay tuned for more information and opportunities to deepen your understanding of this critical aspect of deliverance ministry.

In the meantime, let’s dive deep into the Souls Bonds!

Soul Ties vs. Soul Bonds

Many of you are familiar with the term "soul ties," which refers to spiritual or emotional connections typically formed through intimate relationships, including sexual intercourse. While soul ties are significant, we're introducing the concept of "soul bonds," which are deeper and more complex. Soul bonds involve a powerful adhesion between two individuals, creating a profound connection that can be either healthy or unhealthy.

Recognizing Soul Bonds

Soul bonds can manifest in various relationships, including romantic partnerships, family ties, spiritual leaders to followers, and even within systems like organizations or cults. Here are some signs that you might have an unhealthy soul bond:

  1. Unhealthy Attachment: You feel dominated by the thoughts of another person or system, as if you need their approval constantly.

  2. Obsession: You find yourself constantly checking their social media, thinking about them, or wanting to be around them.

  3. Mannerism Adoption: You start mimicking their behaviors, speech, or dress, almost as if you have a piece of them within you.

  4. Inability to Break Free: Despite recognizing the relationship as unhealthy, you feel a compulsion to stay.

  5. Emotional and Spiritual Intertwining: You share their emotions deeply, experiencing their highs and lows as if they were your own.

The Depth of Soul Bonds

Soul bonds are profound connections that can form through various relationships and associations. These bonds can develop in several ways, such as through family ties, romantic or sexual connections, associations with cults or spiritual leaders, and even through business partnerships. Understanding the depth of these bonds helps us recognize their influence and the challenges involved in breaking unhealthy ones.

Formation of Soul Bonds

Soul bonds typically begin with an attraction phase, where individuals feel a strong pull towards each other. This initial connection can be based on emotional, spiritual, or physical attraction. As the relationship progresses, this connection deepens, leading to a linkage where two individuals or entities become united in purpose and intent. Over time, this bond can solidify into a deep soul bond, characterized by a profound emotional and spiritual connection.

Family Relationships

Family bonds are often the most deeply ingrained. Genesis 2:24 speaks of the profound connection between a husband and wife, saying,

"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh."

Genesis 2:24

This scripture highlights the powerful union that marriage creates, forming a bond that is intended to be lifelong and unbreakable. However, unhealthy family bonds can also form, especially in cases of abuse or co-dependency, making them challenging to break.

Romantic and Sexual Connections

Romantic and sexual relationships are another significant source of soul bonds. 1 Corinthians 6:16-17 addresses the deep connection formed through sexual intercourse:

"Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, 'The two will become one flesh.' But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit." This scripture underscores the spiritual and emotional entanglement that occurs during sexual intimacy, which can create strong soul bonds that are difficult to sever, especially if the relationship becomes unhealthy.

1 Corinthians 6:16-17

Associations with Cults or Spiritual Leaders

Associations with cults or spiritual leaders can also result in deep soul bonds. These connections often start with an attraction to the leader's charisma or the group's teachings. Over time, this attraction can lead to a strong emotional and spiritual linkage, where the follower becomes deeply intertwined with the leader or group. This can create an unhealthy dependency, making it difficult to break free. Colossians 2:1-2 highlights the importance of being united in love within a healthy spiritual community:

"I want you to know how hard I am contending for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not met me personally. My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ."

Colossians 2:1-2

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Mike Brewer

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Business Partnerships

Even business partnerships can form soul bonds, especially when individuals spend significant time together and share common goals. These bonds can become deeply rooted, making it challenging to dissolve the partnership if it becomes unhealthy. The shared experiences and mutual benefits create a connection that goes beyond the professional realm, affecting personal emotions and decisions.

The Challenge of Breaking Deep Soul Bonds

The deeper the soul bond, the more challenging it is to break. This is because the bond involves not just emotional attachment but also spiritual and sometimes physical connections. Unhealthy soul bonds can lead to significant distress and hinder personal and spiritual growth. Recognizing the depth of these bonds is the first step in addressing and breaking them.

Breaking Soul Bonds

Breaking a soul bond involves several steps, depending on its depth:

  1. Confess the Sinful Arrangement: Acknowledge and confess any sinful connections.

  2. Extend Forgiveness: Forgive the person or system involved, taking responsibility for your part in the bond.

  3. Cut Off Instruments of Connection: Remove any physical objects, gifts, or symbols that tie you to the bond.

  4. Renounce Spiritual Contracts: Verbally renounce any spiritual agreements or ceremonies that formed the bond.

  5. Establish New Healthy Associations: Replace the unhealthy bond with healthy relationships and associations.

  6. Declare an Unfailing Soul Bond with God: Strengthen your bond with God, ensuring He remains the primary focus of your soul.

Biblical Examples and Guidance

The story of Jonathan and David in 1 Samuel 18:1-4 exemplifies a healthy soul bond formed through deep friendship and mutual respect:

"After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself. From that day Saul kept David with him and did not let him return home to his family. And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow, and his belt."

1 Samuel 18:1-4

Conversely, Proverbs 18:24 warns of the potential pitfalls of unhealthy attachments:

"One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

Proverbs 18:24

This verse highlights the importance of discerning between healthy and unhealthy relationships.

Ministering in Deliverance

When ministering to someone with a soul bond, it's crucial to approach with sensitivity and discernment. The goal is to guide them through recognizing and breaking the bond while providing spiritual and emotional support. Remember, not every bond can be broken through a simple renunciation. Some require deep, ongoing ministry.

Theological Considerations

We must develop a Biblical framework to understand these experiences. While the core truths of Jesus' lordship and redemption remain unchanging, our understanding of spiritual warfare and deliverance must mature. Healthy dialogue, prayer, and study are essential as we navigate these complex issues.

Personal Experience and Testimony

I've seen firsthand the impact of soul bonds in deliverance sessions. One example involved a person deeply bonded to their abuser, unable to break free despite recognizing the abuse. Through prayer, renunciation, and the power of Jesus, we were able to sever that bond, leading to their spiritual and emotional freedom.

Moving Forward

As we continue to explore and understand soul bonds, I encourage you to remain open to the Holy Spirit's guidance. Engage in healthy conversations, seek wisdom from trusted spiritual leaders, and always anchor your actions in Scripture.


Breaking unhealthy soul bonds is a journey that requires courage, faith, and the power of the Holy Spirit. As you minister to others or seek freedom for yourself, remember that Jesus is the ultimate healer and deliverer. Trust in Him, and He will guide you through.

Thank you for joining me in this deep dive into soul bonds. Stay equipped and ready for all that God has in store for you. Until next time, be blessed!

PS -.Whenever you might be ready, I have the following resources available for you:

  1. The Self-Deliverance Guide - Unlock your freedom and walk in divine victory with this essential resource for spiritual breakthrough and personal liberation.

  2. School of Deliverance - Enroll and transform your spiritual journey at your own pace! Get 50% off your tuition with the code FRIENDS and experience life-changing teaching and activation in supernatural gifts.

  3. The Apostolic Mantle - When you learn the role of an apostle, you will be able to receive the gift of an apostle and become further activated in your destiny.

  4. 1-Year Mentorship in Deliverance with Mike Brewer - If you are looking for a deep dive into leading people through deliverance, invest in Mike’s top-tier training.


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